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Want an offsite meeting that exceeds expectations? Contact us to learn how we can make it happen

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and let your next corporate event unfold in a beautiful setting where inspiration awaits around every corner. Getting your team away from the daily grind refoches creative energy and sparks the innovative thinking you need to drive your business forward. When you put your people first and invest in their growth and enrichment, the payoff can be remarkable. Make this off-site all about planning something extraordinary that transcends the usual brainstorms. Choose from Wedgewood Event's stunning collection of unique venues to create an unforgettable experience. Whether it’s an action-packed adventure retreat or a peaceful sanctuary that promotes introspection, say goodbye to boring corporate meetings. At Wedgewood Events, the stage is set for collaboration, creative thinking and powerful connections that will ripple through your company for months and years to come. The possibilities are truly endless when you make enrichment the priority.

Ready To Make A Difference? Book Your Venue Today and Start Planning Your Corporate Event!

72% of employees say offsite meetings are more productive than those held in the office.

Getting out of the office boosts creativity by allowing new stimuli and breaking routine thought patterns.

A change of scenery refreshes perspectives and inspires innovative problem solving.

Offsites establish clarity around goals, values, and vision for the future of the corporate business.

82% of companies see increased collaboration among cross-functional teams after retreats.

Employee motivation and engagement see significant boosts after inspiring retreats

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Ignite Innovation at your
Next Corporate Event

Take your next corporate meeting or retreat from ordinary to extraordinary by getting out of the office and immersing your team in an inspirational setting for meaningful collaboration, reconnection, and visionary thinking.

Wedgewood Events offers a stunning collection of one-of-a-kind venues ideal for corporate meetings and retreats designed to spark creativity and ignite innovation like never before. Choose from  unique spaces guaranteed to inspire your team and elevate your corporate meetings beyond the usual brainstorms. Take advantage of flexible spaces, and custom-crafted menus, for corporate groups. Don’t forget the transformational activities designed specifically to bring your team together while getting those creative juices flowing. The opportunities to create remarkable corporate meetings at Wedgewood Events are endless. Contact us today to learn more and start planning your most innovative and impactful meeting yet. We can’t wait to help craft an unforgettable experience that sparks fresh thinking and sets your team up for tremendous success.

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Understanding the Value of:

Offsite Meetings

Welcome to the world of offsite corporate meetings, where stepping out of the office can lead to stepping up creativity and productivity. Offsite meetings are more than just a change of scenery; they're a strategic tool to invigorate teams, foster collaboration, and spark innovation.

Why take your meeting offsite? First, it breaks the monotony and unites your team. Away from the familiar, employees often feel more relaxed and open to new ideas. It's about creating an environment where creativity flows freely. Offsite venues can also accommodate larger groups, provide specialized facilities, and offer unique experiences that aren't possible in a regular office setting.

For remote or distance teams, coming together for an offsite team meeting increases their bond and helps them work more collabrotively. We often hear that clients booking offsite spaces as a way to bring teams together, whether that's one team or several departments who need to build upon their relationships or meet a common goal. 

Offsite meetings can enhance focus. Away from day-to-day distractions, your team can concentrate on the agenda at hand. Whether it's team building, strategic planning, or problem-solving, an offsite setting can foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.


To make the most of your offsite meeting, start with clear objectives. What do you want to achieve? Maybe you're aiming to brainstorm new ideas, build stronger team bonds, or strategize for the upcoming quarter. Setting these goals early shapes your meeting's structure, from choosing the right venue to planning the agenda.

Remember, every aspect of your offsite meeting should align with these objectives. This alignment ensures that your time, resources, and efforts contribute directly to your desired outcomes. Clear goals also make it easier to measure the success of your meeting post-event.

The value of stepping out of the office is immense, and with well-defined goals, your offsite meeting can be a powerful tool for driving your team's success.


Understanding What You're Buying:

Meeting Planning Essentials

When it comes to offsite meetings, the venue is much more than just a backdrop – it's a critical player in your event's success. The right venue does more than just meet your space requirements; it brings a supportive team to the table, ready to help you navigate the complexities of event planning.

Selecting a venue with a dedicated team offers numerous benefits. These professionals have a deep understanding of how you can formally or creatively use their space and they've hosted lots of offsite meetings, meaning they're a valuable resource for advice and guidance. They are problem-solvers, ready to tackle any challenge that arises, ensuring your event runs smoothly.

But how do you find such a venue? Look for places known for their excellent customer service and read reviews from previous clients. When visiting potential venues, ask about the support they offer. Will there be a dedicated point of contact for your event? What services are included in the venue hire? The answers to these questions will guide you to a venue that doesn’t just host your event but enhances it.



Bundling space, food, drink, AV equipment, tables, and chairs into one package isn't just convenient; it's strategic. This approach streamlines the planning process, ensuring everything you need is in place and managed cohesively.

Why bundle? Firstly, it simplifies logistics. You won’t need to coordinate with multiple vendors or worry about compatibility issues between different service providers. Secondly, it's often more cost-effective. Venues typically offer packages that are more affordable than sourcing each element separately.

Most importantly, this all-in-one approach lets your guests and speakers focus on the reason they're there – to engage, connect, and contribute. When they don't have to worry about the details, they can fully immerse themselves in the experience you’ve crafted.

As we move into the intricacies of event planning, remember that the foundation of a successful offsite meeting lies in thoughtful pre-planning. By choosing a supportive venue and understanding the advantages of bundled services, you're setting the stage for an event that's both memorable and effective.

Offsite Meeting Benefits:

Why Offsite Meetings?

Offsite meetings break the monotony of daily office life, providing a fresh backdrop that can spur creativity and engagement. They offer a neutral ground free from the usual workplace distractions, enabling participants to focus more intently on the meeting's objectives. This change in environment can lead to higher levels of engagement, creative thinking, and effective problem-solving.

For corporations, offsite meetings are a strategic investment. They can be tailored to specific goals - be it brainstorming new ideas, strategizing business directions, or building a cohesive team. The flexibility in choosing the type of meeting – from strategic planning getaways to innovation conferences – allows organizations to address specific needs and objectives.



Team-Building Retreats
These retreats focus on activities that build trust and improve teamwork. They are crucial for enhancing collaboration, breaking down barriers, and fostering a sense of unity. For individual attendees, they provide an opportunity to strengthen relationships with colleagues and develop interpersonal skills.

Training and Development Workshops
Such workshops keep the team abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies, fostering personal and professional growth. They are a testament to the company's commitment to its employees' development, boosting morale and job satisfaction.

Product Launch Planning
These sessions align teams around a common goal and encourage diverse perspectives. They ensure a well-rounded approach to launches, potentially leading to innovative strategies. For attendees, they offer a sense of involvement in critical business operations and an opportunity to contribute creatively.

Feedback and Idea Generation Sessions
These meetings create an open forum for employees to voice thoughts and contribute ideas. They lead to valuable insights driving the company forward and foster an inclusive work culture. For individuals, they are a platform for expressing creativity and influencing company directions.

Corporate Culture Enhancement Meetings
Focusing on values, employee wellness, diversity, and inclusion, these meetings strengthen internal culture and align employees with the company's core values. They contribute to a positive work environment, improving job satisfaction and retention.

Innovation Conferences, Wellness Retreats, Strategic Planning Getaways, Leadership Summits, and International Sales Conferences
Each of these meetings serves a distinct purpose, from spurring innovation and focusing on employee well-being to crafting strategic plans, enhancing leadership skills, and celebrating global collaboration. They offer unique environments for attendees to expand their horizons, network, and grow professionally.

The benefits of offsite corporate meetings extend well beyond the days spent outside the office. They foster a sense of belonging, boost morale, and can significantly impact overall productivity and job satisfaction. For businesses, they are a strategic tool in achieving corporate objectives and maintaining a competitive edge. For individual attendees, they offer invaluable opportunities for personal and professional growth. In sum, offsite meetings are not just events; they are catalysts for lasting organizational and personal development.

Creative Theme:

Designing a Compelling Agenda


Crafting the perfect agenda for your offsite meeting is a bit like creating a great recipe – it's all about balance. You want to mix the seriousness of formal presentations with the zest of fun, interactive activities. Why? Because a blend of both keeps energy levels high and maintains engagement throughout the event.

Start with the formal elements: your key presentations, workshops, or discussions. These are your agenda's backbone, providing structure and purpose. Then, weave in lighter, more enjoyable activities. Think team-building exercises, quick ice-breakers, or even a fun quiz related to your industry. These elements not only offer a mental break but also foster team spirit and camaraderie.

Remember, the transition between formal and fun should be smooth. Abrupt shifts can be jarring, so plan transitions that naturally lead from one segment to the other. This flow keeps your attendees focused and ready for what's next.


Effective time management is crucial in an offsite meeting. The key? Realistic scheduling. Allocate enough time for each session, including breaks. Over-packed agendas can be overwhelming, whereas too much downtime might lead to a loss of focus.

Incorporate buffer times. Allow for sessions to run over slightly or provide extra time for questions and discussions. These buffers ensure that you stay on track without rushing through valuable content or discussions.

Also, consider the time of day. Schedule demanding or important sessions when attendees are most alert, typically in the morning. Save lighter or more interactive segments for post-lunch, when energy levels might dip.


Interactive sessions are the secret sauce for memorable meetings. They encourage participation, spark creativity, and can lead to valuable insights. These could be workshops, brainstorming sessions, or problem-solving activities relevant to your agenda.

Use technology to your advantage. Interactive polls, live feedback apps, or even virtual reality experiences can add an exciting layer to your meeting. Also, think about physical interaction – activities that get people moving and talking. This approach is particularly effective for team building and breaking down communication barriers.

When planning these sessions, consider your audience. What will engage them the most? How can these activities provide value in the context of your meeting's objectives? Tailoring these sessions to your attendees' interests and needs will maximize their impact.

Host Your Next Corporate Meeting in Style: Book Your Venue Today!

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Essential Tech

Technology and Equipment


In today's digital age, technology is not just an add-on; it's a vital part of any successful offsite meeting. The right tech can enhance presentations, facilitate communication, and create a more dynamic, engaging environment. So, what's essential?

When designing your meeting you have two choices - online or offline. Increasingly an offline meeting is incresingly popular. by asking participants to set their devices to silent and turn off Wi-Fi - you are bound to get full focus.  It's also important to recognize when connectivity is non-negotiable.  your venue team will be there to help you connect the audio-visual (AV) equipment for presentations and make sure you're always connected when you need to be!

Consider the power of collaborative tools. Apps and software that allow real-time collaboration, like shared digital workspaces or interactive whiteboards, can significantly boost participation and idea-sharing. These tools make it easy for attendees to contribute, regardless of where they're seated in the room.

Also, think about charging stations. In an era where everyone carries at least one device, providing easy access to charging facilities is a thoughtful touch that keeps everyone connected and focused.


Even with the best preparation, tech hiccups can happen. The key to handling these is preparation and quick thinking. Here are some common issues and how to tackle them:

Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems: Always have a backup plan. This could be a portable Wi-Fi hotspot or ensuring that key presentations can run offline. Test the Wi-Fi strength in different parts of the venue beforehand.

Audio-Visual Glitches: Before the meeting, test all AV equipment thoroughly. Have spare cables and a backup microphone ready. If there's an issue, check connections first – it's often a simple plug that's come loose.

Software Hiccups: Familiarize yourself with any collaborative tools or apps you plan to use. Ensure they're compatible with different devices attendees might bring. It's also wise to have a tech-savvy team member on hand who can quickly address software-related queries.

Outlet Shortages: Ensure there are enough outlets and power strips for everyone's devices. Check the power setup in advance and have a plan for quick reconfiguration if needed.

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Choosing the Right Catering Style

Catering and Dietary Considerations

Catering plays a pivotal role in any offsite meeting. It's not just about satisfying hunger; it's about providing fuel for thought and conversation. Start by exploring what your chosen venue offers. Most venues have a range of catering options, tailored to various needs and preferences.

When selecting the menu, consider the tone and schedule of your meeting. A high-energy brainstorming session might call for lighter, energizing foods, whereas a more formal gathering could be complemented by a sophisticated menu. Always check for special dietary requirements of your attendees in advance – options for vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergy-friendly meals are essential.

A well-fed guest is an engaged guest. Plan to have refreshments available throughout the day. Start with early bites – something simple and energizing to kickstart the morning. For breaks, offer snacks that are easy to eat and not too heavy. Think fruit, nuts, or granola bars – snacks that rejuvenate without causing drowsiness.

A light lunch keeps the momentum going. Opt for meals that are satisfying yet not too rich or heavy. Sandwiches, salads, or wraps can be ideal. For a full-day meeting, consider a more substantial dinner to wrap up the day. This could be a time to relax and reflect on the day's activities, so a more relaxed and indulgent meal might be appropriate.

The style of catering – boxed, buffet, grab-and-go, or plated – depends on various factors. Boxed and grab-and-go options are great for shorter meetings or when you have a tight agenda. They're convenient, quick, and can be eaten while the meeting session continues.

Buffets offer variety and the opportunity for guests to choose according to their taste and dietary preferences. This style works well for medium-length meetings where you can allocate a bit more time for meals.

Plated meals, on the other hand, are ideal for longer meetings or formal dinners. They add a touch of elegance and are perfect for celebrating major milestones or winding down after an intensive meeting.

A formal dinner can be the highlight of your offsite meeting. It's an opportunity to celebrate the participant's achievements, foster deeper connections, and enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere. When planning a formal dinner, consider factors like seating arrangements, decor, and a menu that reflects the significance of the occasion. A well-planned formal dinner can leave your guests with a lasting impression and a sense of accomplishment. We often see companies incorporate an awards element or invite a key note speaker to give a short opening address to make the night extra special. 



Stress-Free Logistics:

Why Choosing Wedgewood Events Ensures a Stress-Free Experience


Logistics can often be the most challenging aspect of event planning, but choosing a seasoned partner like Wedgewood Events can transform this complexity into a seamless, stress-free experience. Why Wedgewood Events? Our expertise in managing every logistical detail means you can focus on the content of your meeting, confident that everything else is in expert hands.

Our approach is comprehensive. We handle everything from choice of venues, to meeting planning, catering, technology setup, and more. We pride ourselves on our ability to anticipate needs and solve problems before they arise. Our extensive network of trusted vendors and our experienced team ensure that your event runs like clockwork.

Moreover, our commitment to your event's success is unwavering. We understand that each meeting is unique, and we tailor our services to fit your specific needs. Our goal is to create an environment where your attendees are comfortable, engaged, and focused on your objectives, free from distractions or logistical concerns.

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Creating an Engaging Atmosphere

The Atmosphere of An Offisite Meeting


The atmosphere of your offsite meeting can significantly influence the mood and engagement levels of your attendees. Thoughtful decoration and branding are key to creating an environment that inspires and energizes.

Start with a theme that aligns with your meeting's objectives. This theme should resonate throughout your decor, from color schemes to centerpieces. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a cohesive visual experience that reinforces your offsite meeting's purpose.

Branding is equally important. Utilize spaces to subtly remind attendees of your company's values and mission. This can be done through branded signage, custom stationery, or even digital displays. The goal is to immerse your guests in your company's culture and vision, turning the venue into a physical extension of your brand.



Engagement starts the moment attendees walk in. Icebreakers are a fantastic way to set a welcoming and interactive tone. These activities should be fun but also meaningful, designed to build connections and ease any initial awkwardness.

For instance, a quick ""two truths and a lie"" game encourages attendees to share interesting facts about themselves, sparking conversations and laughter. Or, for something more physical, a light team scavenger hunt around the venue can energize the group and create bonds.

Team-building activities should be aligned with your meeting's goals. If fostering creativity is a key objective, consider workshops where teams brainstorm and pitch ideas. For building trust and collaboration, problem-solving challenges or trust exercises can be effective.

Remember, the best icebreakers and team-building activities are those that feel natural and inclusive, catering to the diverse personalities and comfort levels of your guests.


Creating an Environment

Guest Comfort

Creating an environment where guests feel comfortable and safe is essential for a successful offsite meeting. This aspect is not just about physical comfort; it's about providing a welcoming, inclusive, and secure atmosphere where everyone can focus on the meeting's objectives without distractions or concerns.

  • Prioritizing Physical Comfort
    • Comfort starts with the basics. Ensure the venue has good seating choices and ample space to move around. The room temperature should be regulated for comfort, not too hot or too cold. Good lighting is also crucial, as it affects both visibility and energy levels.
    • Consider the acoustics of the room. Can everyone hear clearly without straining? Do you need to use microphones?
    • Accessibility is paramount. The venue should be easily accessible to everyone, including those with mobility challenges. This means having ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms.
    • Similarly, inclusivity should be a key consideration in all aspects of your event planning, from the language used in communications to ensuring that activities are suitable for all participants.

  •  Ensuring Safety and Security
    • Safety is a critical aspect often overlooked in the excitement of planning. Work with the venue to understand their safety protocols. Are there adequate fire exits and safety signage? Is there a plan in place for emergencies like medical issues or severe weather?
    • Security is another aspect, especially for high-profile meetings. If necessary, arrange for security personnel and have a system for attendee verification.
    • Data security is also crucial, particularly if sensitive company information will be discussed. Ensure that your tech setup is secure, and confidentiality agreements are in place if required.
    • Always inform your guests about these safety measures. Knowing that their well-being is taken care of can significantly contribute to their peace of mind and engagement.

Effective Communication and Feedback

Keeping Attendees Informed and Engaged

Communication is a cornerstone of any successful offsite meeting. Effective communication keeps attendees informed, engaged, and aligned with the meeting's objectives. This starts well before the event with clear and concise pre-event information. Send out agendas, location details, and any preparatory materials in advance. Use engaging formats like video teasers or interactive PDFs to pique interest.

During the event, regular updates or reminders can be shared through a dedicated event app, text, or email. Be sure to have a central point of information, like an information desk or a digital bulletin board, where attendees can get answers to their questions.

Engagement during the event can also be enhanced through real-time communication tools. Live polling, Q&A sessions, and dedicated social media hashtags can keep the conversation lively and inclusive. Also, appoint a facilitator or MC who can keep the energy high and guide attendees through the agenda smoothly.


Feedback is invaluable. It provides insights into expectations ahead of your offsite meeting and you can find out what worked well and what can be improved for future events. Encourage attendees to provide feedback through surveys or feedback forms. Make these as accessible as possible – consider digital formats that can be filled out quickly.

Ask specific, targeted questions to get constructive meeting feedback and suggestions. Questions could range from the quality of catering to the effectiveness of the sessions and the comfort of the venue. It's also important to ask for suggestions – what do attendees wish to see in future events?

Once collected, analyze this feedback to draw meaningful conclusions. Look for patterns or common themes that emerge. This information is not just critical for measuring the success of your current meeting but is also a goldmine for planning future events. It helps you understand your audience better and tailor your approach to meet their needs and expectations more effectively.

Act on this feedback and let your attendees know that their input has been heard and valued. This could be in the form of a post-event communication summarizing the feedback and outlining the steps you plan to take in response. It demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and enhances the trust and loyalty of your attendees.


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Post-Meeting Activity

Effective Debriefing Techniques

Once your offsite meeting concludes, the follow-up process begins, and it's as crucial as the meeting itself. Debriefing effectively helps you consolidate learnings, assess the meeting's impact, and plan for future improvements.

Start with a team debrief. Gather your core planning team and discuss what went well and what could be improved. Encourage honesty and openness; every piece of feedback is valuable. Focus on key areas like logistics, content, attendee engagement, and overall experience.

Involve your speakers and presenters in the debriefing process too. Their insights can provide a different perspective, especially on audience engagement and content delivery.

You should document the debriefing session. Notes and action items will be invaluable for planning future events and ensuring continuous improvement.


Measuring the success and return on investment (ROI) of your offsite meeting is critical, not just for justifying the current event but also for planning future ones. Start by revisiting the objectives you set during the planning phase. How well did the event meet these objectives?

Quantitative measures like attendance rates, app downloads, or social media engagement can provide concrete data on attendee engagement.

Qualitative measures, however, are just as important. Feedback from attendees, speakers, and your team offers insights into the overall experience and satisfaction levels. Look for comments on networking opportunities, content quality, and the general atmosphere of the event.

Calculating ROI also involves assessing the financial aspects. Compare the costs against the benefits. This doesn't just include direct revenue (if applicable) but also intangible benefits like increased employee morale, enhanced brand reputation, or the generation of new ideas and strategies.

The true value of an offsite meeting often extends beyond the immediate feedback and financial analysis. Long-term impacts like improved team dynamics, increased productivity, or the implementation of new strategies gleaned from the meeting are significant indicators of success.

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Exceptional Offisite Meetings

Types of Offsite Meetings

As with all things in life, there are many reasons for an offsite meeting. With creativity, careful planning, and attention to detail, offsite meetings can be powerful tools for achieving organizational goals. While you know your company and understand the business drivers that call for a professional event venue for your activity, here are common suggestions for a company offsite meeting. 

1. Team-Building 
Description: Retreats centered around engaging activities like outdoor challenges and problem-solving workshops, aimed at fostering stronger team bonds.
Benefits: These retreats enhance team collaboration, break down communication barriers, and create a stronger sense of unity, ideal for integrating new members and strengthening existing relationships.

2. Training and Development Workshops
Description: Sessions designed for upskilling and professional development, ranging from leadership training to technical and industry-specific education.
Benefits: These workshops keep teams updated with the latest industry trends and technologies, boosting both personal and professional growth, and demonstrating the company's commitment to employee development.

3. Product Launch Planning
Description: Strategic meetings focused on preparing for upcoming product launches, involving marketing tactics, sales strategies, and cross-departmental collaboration.
Benefits: Aligns teams around a common objective, encourages diverse perspectives, and ensures a comprehensive approach to product launches, potentially leading to innovative strategies.

4. Feedback and Idea Generation Sessions
Description: Interactive sessions aimed at soliciting feedback and brainstorming new ideas, covering internal process improvements to exploring new business opportunities.
Benefits: Fosters an open and inclusive work culture, where employees can contribute creatively, leading to valuable insights that drive the company forward.

5. Corporate Culture Enhancement Meetings
Description: Meetings dedicated to reinforcing and evolving the company's culture, focusing on values, employee wellness, diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility.
Benefits: Strengthens internal culture, aligns employees with core company values and ethics, and promotes a positive work environment, contributing to higher job satisfaction and retention.

6. Innovation Conference
Description: An offsite meeting to spur innovation, featuring a creatively inspiring venue, interactive tech sessions, and collaborative workshops.
Benefits: Such an environment propels a surge in innovative ideas and team cohesion, demonstrating that stepping out of the ordinary can significantly boost outcomes.


7. Wellness Retreat
Description: A employee-focused annual meeting that emphasizes mental health, physical activity, and work-life balance.
Benefits: Providing helpful tips and proven work harmony adice often results in a rejuvenated workforce, highlighting the long-term benefits of prioritizing employee well-being in offsite meetings.

8. Strategic Planning Getaway
Description: A multi-day meeting in a serene location, to focus on developing your one, three or five-year strategic plan.
Benefits: Away from daily distractions, such deep strategic discussions lead to comprehensive planning and clear company direction, showing the value of aligning the meeting's setting with its goals.

9. Annual Leadership Summit
Description: A large-scale leadership summit can show how much a company values it's leadership and makes them feel supported. Plan to feature advanced AV setups, quality catering, and elegant decor.
Benefits: Show appraciation to key team members and demonstarte your company culture by 'walking the walk'.

10. Multi-Day Marketing Workshop
Description: Go back to basics and have key team members share their projects, company news, and long term plans. Use the time to realign and show where everyone connects and agrees while learning and growing together. Set aside time for  interactive sessions and team-building activities.
Benefits: This format is excellent for enhancing team cohesion and sparking creative energy, showcasing the benefits of tailored retreats for smaller teams.

11. Sales Conference
Description: Fire up your sales force by dedicating time to informing, trainingg, and challenging each team member in a group setting. Stepping away from selling to think about the how and why can provide a welcome relief and increase overall growth. 
Benefits: Transcends a standard meeting, becoming a celebration of collaboration and diversity. Use the challenges to increase ongoing sales. 

These ideas exemplify how organizing an offsite meeting goes beyond mere logistics to deliver experiences that are memorable, productive, and hassle-free.

Each successful offsite meeting offers a wealth of lessons and best practices. Common themes often emerge, such as the importance of thorough planning, understanding attendee needs, and the value of a suitable venue. Flexibility is also a recurring lesson. Being able to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges is crucial. Furthermore, the importance of detailed follow-up and using feedback to improve future events is a best practice that consistently proves valuable.

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Exceptional Timeline

Example Agendas

When it comes to planning an offsite meeting, having a clear, well-structured agenda is paramount to ensuring the event's success. But for many meeting planners, especially those new to the field, creating this blueprint can be a daunting task.  Example agendas serve as practical templates that meeting planners can adapt to fit their specific needs. They offer a glimpse into the rhythm and flow of a successful event, illustrating how to balance various elements such as presentations, workshops, networking opportunities, and breaks. By examining these examples, planners like you can gain insights into effective time allocation, the sequencing of activities, and the integration of engaging elements that keep attendees focused and energized.

Moreover, these sample agendas provide inspiration. They showcase creative ideas for session formats, innovative ice-breakers, and unique team-building activities, sparking imagination in planners who might be looking for ways to make their event stand out. They also demonstrate how to weave in crucial aspects such as catering and technology seamlessly, ensuring a cohesive and enjoyable experience for attendees.



Foster team bonding, review the past year, discuss future projects, and share updates.


8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Informal mingling and light breakfast.

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Fun, interactive activities to warm up and introduce team members.

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Presentation by leadership team, highlighting key achievements and milestones.

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Opportunity for informal discussions and networking.

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Interactive session to introduce and discuss upcoming projects.

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Time for team members to connect and discuss morning sessions.

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Short presentations by team members on their respective areas of work.

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM

3:15 PM – 4:30 PM

An engaging group activity to foster team spirit.

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Reflecting on the day and setting intentions for the coming year.




Objective: Integrate various sales departments, offer training, celebrate achievements, and foster networking.

Agenda Day 1:

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Registration and Welcome Coffee

Attendees check in and enjoy light refreshments.

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Opening Remarks by the Host

Brief introduction and overview of the event's objectives.

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote Address by Guest Speaker

An inspiring talk by a renowned industry leader focusing on sales excellence and innovation.

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Targeted Sessions per Department

Each department attends a session tailored to its specific challenges and goals, led by a department head or external expert.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Break

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Collaborative Cross-Departmental Workshops

Interactive, problem-solving workshops designed to foster communication and collaboration between different sales departments.

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Networking Dinner

An informal setting allowing attendees to mingle, with stations for light dinner and drinks.

Agenda Day 2:

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Series of Guest Speaker Presentations

Sessions led by industry experts, covering topics such as market trends, customer engagement strategies, and digital sales tools.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Specialized Training Workshops

Interactive sessions focusing on skill enhancement, such as negotiation tactics, CRM software training, or effective communication.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Break

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Advanced Sales Techniques

Advanced workshops for skill development, including role-playing scenarios and group exercises.

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Gala Event

Formal dinner followed by an awards ceremony recognizing individual and team achievements, with guest entertainment.


Agenda Day 3:

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Collaborative Strategy Discussions

Focused groups brainstorming on future sales strategies, challenges, and opportunities.

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Group Presentations

Each group presents their ideas and receives feedback.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Break

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Closing Keynote Speech

An impactful closing address by a thought leader, summarizing key learnings and inspiring future action.

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Final Wrap-Up and Key Takeaways

Hosts conclude with final remarks and outline next steps.

4:00 PM Onwards:

Attendees depart at their leisure, with options for organized transportation.



Morning Team Challenge Workshop

Objective: Utilize a change of scenery to encourage creative problem-solving and overcome technical challenges.


7:30 AM – 8:00 AM
Early Arrival and Breakfast

A hearty breakfast to ensure full focus on the workshop.

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Opening and Mission Statement

Brief by the facilitator outlining objectives and goals.

8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Review of Previous Ideas

Recap of previously discussed concepts and why they need reevaluation.

9:15 AM – 10:00 AM
Inspirational Speaker Session

A guest speaker to motivate and provide fresh perspectives.

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Coffee and Snack Break

Informal discussions and networking.

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

An interactive session for free-flowing ideas and collaborative problem-solving.

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Consolidating ideas and defining next steps.



These sample agendas are tailored to the specific objectives and dynamics of each meeting, providing a structured yet flexible framework for effective and engaging events.


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Offsite Meeting

At Wedgewood Events, we believe inspired settings breed inspired thinking. Getting out of the office energizes teams and ignites fresh ideas to drive your business forward. Our collection of unique venues provide the ideal backdrop for your next corporate retreat or meeting.  Escape the day-to-day and discover the heightened creativity, collaboration and connection your team needs to reach new heights. The opportunities are endless when the environment enriches. Contact us to start planning your extraordinary corporateevent!


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